- Why aren’t you holding the LEB fundraiser dinner this year?
In March, we watched as Empty Bowl events across the country had to cancel due to the pandemic. As things have unfolded it has become clear that we have no idea, even now, what September is going to look like. We immediately decided that we still needed to have a fundraiser, but one that at its most fundamental level we would still be able to pull off even if we were in a complete lockdown like we were in April. - Can you ship my bowl?
Yes! But only because these are special circumstances. Flat rate shipping is $20 for the first bowl and $15 for each additional bowl. US addresses only. - Why is shipping so expensive?
A) We would really like for you to come and pick up your bowl(s) if you live in the area and B) shipping pottery takes care and a lot of supplies to make certain that your bowl arrives intact. While the bowl you receive will be a surprise, we want it to be a happy surprise. - I have a ticket, but I won’t be able to make either pickup times. What should I do?
If you have a friend who is also picking up, give them your Order Number and have them pick up yours for you as well. Be warned, your friend will probably pick out their favorite bowl from all the bowls they picked up and give you whatever is left. I recommend a friend that has very different tastes from you. Alternatively, contact us on our contact page and we’ll talk about adding shipping to your order, etc. - Will there be wine?
Yes! Stone Tower Winery will have wine packages that will benefit our charities that will go on sale closer to the event and during pickup. - What if I hate my bowl?
See #5: “There will be wine.” - No, seriously. What if I really don’t like it?
If you’re worried about not liking your bowl, you have a few options. You can buy a lot of tickets so you have your own little bowl selection table in your own home. You can take a chance, and if you actually don’t like it, you can bid like mad on a bowl you love in the online auction. Ultimately, you have to remember: you aren’t buying a bowl. You are making a donation to help fight food insecurity during a time when insecurity of all sorts is running rampant. The bowl is bonus. - I sent you a message on the Contact page, but I’ve never gotten a response. What gives?
First, check your Spam folder. Jenny (info@LEB) is pretty good about responding. If it’s not there, ask again. Sometimes your message can get lost on our end too, especially in the summer when there’s so much ticket business going on. - How can I volunteer?
Since we’re not having a big dinner this year, and we’re trying to keep our social distance, we probably won’t need any volunteers for 2020. However, thank you so much for your willingness! - I don’t have a PayPal account, but I want to donate. What should I do?
While PayPal handles all of our online transactions, an account with PayPal is not required. Continue through Checkout and PayPal gives an option to pay by credit card without logging in. This allows for you to have a secure checkout experience with or without a PayPal account. - Where are my tickets?
There are no true tickets this year. When you show up at Stone Tower Winery on September 16th or 17th to pick up your prewrapped bowls, we’ll look up your Order Number, see how many tickets you bought, and hand you that many bags. - What is my Order Number?
When you purchase your tickets, you will receive two emails — one from Paypal and one from Loudoun Empty Bowls. The one from LEB has your order number in the Subject line. (The Paypal email has your order number too, but it’s less obvious.) - Do I need to print out my tickets?
Nope. As long as you can tell us your Order Number and your name, we’ll take it from there. - I notice that you capitalize “Order Number” every time you type it…
Yeah, your Order Number is kind of important during pickup. If you have more than one Order Number, be sure you let us know during pickup or you’re going to be disappointed with the number of bowls you brought home. - How does the auction work online?
The auction is being run by eBay, so you will need to have an eBay account to participate. The auction ends at 8:00 p.m. on September 17th. - Can I participate in the auction if I didn’t buy a ticket? Or live far away?
Yes! There is a shipping option and a local pick-up option. The auction is a great way to pick up a bowl from your favorite artist, whether you didn’t get a ticket, your Fortunate Bowl wasn’t exactly your style, or you just want to give more and get more. - Will there be a raffle?
Yes! Kaarin Nelson has donated another beauty for our raffle! This will be a traditional raffle with paper tickets like we usually do. Tickets will be for sale at the winery during pick-up. - Is Loudoun Empty Bowls a real charity?
Yes! Loudoun Empty Bowls is registered as a charitable organization in Virginia, and a 501(c)3 Public Charity with the IRS, Tax ID 46-5089393. - How much of my money will actually go to the recipients?
100% of the proceeds go to the grant recipients, which are Loudoun Hunger Relief, Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS), and Dulles South Food Pantry.
- Why aren’t you holding the LEB fundraiser dinner this year?