Loudoun Empty Bowls board is delighted to report that we distributed funds from our September 2019 event to, respectively, Loudoun Hunger Relief, $25,000 and Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter, $12,500 on November 20, 2019. We met up with Jennifer Montgomery, Judy Handley and friends at Loudoun Hunger Relief in Leesburg where volunteers were busy all around us organizing food for the upcoming thanksgiving distribution. We were able to tour the new Mobile Market truck and hear more about how the donated funds will be utilized to help people in our community with food. There were a few tears – it is an honor to represent all those who contributed and to know the money goes to such good and necessary organizations. We thank the over 500 people who attended this year as well as our wonderful volunteers and donors who always make the event so special. The star of the night is the bowls and we thank all the potters for their one of a kind creations. In our place of plenty, no one should be hungry, no bowl should be empty.